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Basic Introduction of Java for beginners

Hello Friends
I am kushal bhatt and I am welcome you on our very first  blog CompuTech .

Friends, you all are already aware about a Java Programming Language like how to write a code how to compile and run it but i am here to discus about .

Why Java was invented.
Which requirement fulfilled by Java and Nowadays Where actually java is used in a real time .
So it is very required for your career to clear basic fundamental of java .

So lets start our todays topics☕
java,introduction of java,introduction to java,what is java

First of all we need to clear

what is actual java is?

Java is a System friendly High level programming language that means java can easily interact with system.
Java is a pure Object Oriented Programming language because everything in java must be object or class .


Java was Developed by James Gosling at sun microsystems in 1990  and after couple of years it acquire by Oracle corporation till now.
Sun microsystem actually want to develop a language that can easily work with electronic devices for make them automatic and efficient.
Company decide to put responsiblity of this project on James Gosling Father of java).
Why Developers developed Java Language .
James Gosling actually want to make small language that can easily adapt with electronic devices chips and this project intially called OAK which idea is original of james gosling from a tree stood outside of office window.
But some legal issue project name was changed
First system was develop by a project(java) was a Hand-held remote control which bought by a First person company.
Then it develop many more devices like setup boxes
Now a CEO of sun Microsystems are impress by team and this project(java).they decide to make this project enhancement in internet and web technologies.
And they also develop a web applications like web runner and web ennable browser.
At that time company think about launch this project i market but it require a well define name.
Project team and James Gosling are hangout at office nearest coffee shop.
James gosling decided to let naming a project on coffee production place which at indonesia JAVA.
Finally Java beta version  officialy launched on 23 may 1996 at USA . 
Java also listed in top 10 products of Times Magazines.
So it all about how Java language is developed.
Now we need to understand the Purpose of Developing java
So at that time C and C++ are most high demanding language uses at that time but after deep analyisis james gosling and his team are not satisfied by that perfomance and they found a lack of plateform independence.
So they develop a java with key features plateform independent with a slogan
 "Write Once Run EveryWhere"
They also remove many more low level concepts of C and C++ languages .
Ultimately purpose Java was develop to remove  drawbacks of certain languages.
What is a Real Time uses of Java :-
->Destop applications(eg media players ,anti viruses,web applications,Enterprise applications like banking app)
->Mobile Embedded systems
->Smart Cards
->Games Developement.
Here some of applications that develop by java
SunSpot embeded system.
Ultra mixer .
NASA Wordpad Wind to focus on specific parts of earth.
Thinkpad which is alternative of microsoft office.
I hope this information can helpful to you 
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